A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.

My doctoral training at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln was as a scientist-clinician.  So, as with all psychological and spiritual writings, when first introduced to A Course in Miracles, I approached it with skepticism, logic, reason, and an eye for falsehood.  I have studied this book for 30 years and I embrace it as my spiritual platform, but more importantly, A Course in Miracles is a remarkable psychological framework and methodology for living a happy, healthy, and harmonious life.  The purpose of the book is to identify your belief system, to recognize the invalid beliefs that are the source of pain and suffering, and to undo those beliefs by replacing them with valid beliefs that lead to peace and joy.

A Course in Miracles is not for everyone as some may find the use of Christian terminology difficult, and others may be uncomfortable with the origin of the book, which is a channeled work through a medical psychologist, Dr. Helen Schucman, and her colleague, Dr. William Thetford, both of whom were at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City.  However, for me, A Course in Miracles answers all my major philosophical, existential, and spiritual questions, so presently I am not searching as much as I am consolidating and practicing.  Questions such as “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “Is there a God?” and “Why is there so much pain in the world?” are all answered for me.  A Course in Miracles is the most consistently loving, comprehensive, gentle, and patient work I have ever read.


  1. So, why is there so much pain in the world? Especially for that 13 year old you referred to….

    • Stephen Timm

      All human suffering is caused by the ego thought system which is entirely fear-based. In A Course in Miracles the ego is named “The Great Deceiver.” I consider the ego a psychological explanation for all the pain and suffering in this world of form. The religious equivalent to the ego is the devil.

  2. Kathy Lewis

    Love your description of A Course In Miracles!!! The best I’ve read by far. Sending it to Adrienne today. Thank you so much for being in my life. Happy New Year!

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